Utility Experts on Biden Infrastructure Plan To Face the Press at USEA Briefing on May 14

One question: How much federal attention do utilities want?

Infrastructure is going to dominate the electric conversation going forward. This panel has a depth of experience and understanding of both the technology and the politics.”

— Llewellyn King

WASHINGTON, DC , UNITED STATES, May 13, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — WASHINGTON, DC, USA, May 13, 2021/EINPresswire.com/ … Three electric utility experts will brief the press virtually on the impact of the Biden administration’s infrastructure proposals on May 14, at 11 a.m. Eastern Time.

This briefing, held on Zoom, is part of a United States Energy Association series aimed at reporters but open to USEA members and interested members of the public.

The experts are Robert Chapman, senior vice president of the Electric Power Research Institute; Karen Wayland, president of the GridWise Alliance; and Julia Hamm, president of the Smart Electric Power Association. All three are leaders in utility structure, utility needs, and the politics that is likely to shape the Biden proposals.

Llewellyn King, executive producer and host of “White House Chronicle” on PBS and SiriusXM Radio, who is the organizer and moderator of the event, says these experts have been bird-dogging the Biden proposals through all their twists and turns, including the political ones.

“It is unclear how much federal attention the utilities want, says King, a veteran energy writer. “The push will be for renewables, electric vehicle charging, and upgrading the electric grid — something the utilities are spending heavily on anyway.”

The big issues to watch, King adds, are tax credits and their continuation, and possibly extension to new areas. He says he will also be listening for what the expert panel has to say about administration support for storage, hydrogen, and small modular reactors.

“Infrastructure is going to dominate the electric conversation going forward, King says, “This panel has a depth of experience and understanding of both the technology and the politics.”

So, too, does the panel of energy reporters who will ask the experts questions. “They all have legendary status in energy reporting,” King says. They are Ken Silverstein, a senior contributor at Forbes; Jeff Beattie, a longtime reporter at The Energy Daily; and Rod Kuckro, one of the most well-regarded Washington-based energy writers.

“There is nothing like these briefings for getting at the story,” King says. “They are without peer in the information space.”
The briefing, which will last an hour, will be introduced by USEA Executive Director Sheila Hollis. Following it, a recording will be posted on the USEA website.

Register here: https://usea.org/event/usea-virtual-press-briefing-president-bidens-infrastructure-plan-electric-utilities

Contact: Llewellyn King at llewellynking1@gmail.com

Llewellyn W King
White House Chronicle TV
+1 202-441-2702
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