How security programs and breach history influence company valuations – Help Net Security
“Our report indicates that it’s not simply whether or not a company has suffered a data breach that is most important to potential acquirers, but how the breach was remediated, and the steps taken to improve processes.
“Businesses are facing unprecedented challenges in protecting their digital infrastructure, and that of their customers, because of the sophisticated, targeted and voluminous attacks that can be launched against them at any time,” said Wesley Simpson, COO, (ISC)2.
The report’s findings highlight the importance of developing and adhering to sound cybersecurity strategies and policies in order to maximize organizational value. Among the major findings:
Survey respondents unanimously agreed that cybersecurity audits are not only commonplace but are actually standard practice during #M&A transaction preparation. The research also found that the results of such due diligence can have a tangible effect on the outcome of a deal, both in terms of overall value and even whether a deal is completed or not.
96% of cybersecurity professionals indicated that cybersecurity readiness factors into the calculation when they are assessing the overall monetary value of a potential acquisition target, a (ISC)2 survey reveals.