Oduwa Blockchain Solutions Releases Oduwa Sky Blue, an NFT MarketPlace

Oduwa Sky Blue NFTs Art Exhibition

The First indigenous NFT Art Exhibition to promote Art and Culture minted on the Blockchain

Let us be the change we want”

— Bright Enabulele

LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, May 27, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — The First indigenous NFT Marketplace to promote Art and Culture on Blockchain has been released by Oduwa Blockchain Solutions.

This is massive in the scope of using Blockchain Technology to empower creative artists in indigenous communities around the world and especially Africa.

A non-fungible token is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain, that certifies a digital asset to be unique and therefore not interchangeable. NFTs can be used to represent items such as photos, videos, audio, and other types of digital files.

Access to any copy of the original file, however, is not restricted to the buyer of the NFT. While copies of these digital items are available for anyone to obtain, NFTs are tracked on blockchains to provide the owner with proof of ownership that is separate from the copyright.

Blockchain is changing how transactions will take place on the internet and Oduwa Sky Blue NFT platform is here to assist artists from indigenous communities around the world gain fair access to the global digital economy.

Artist can now create buy and sell NFTs at oduwaskyblue.com.

Oduwa Sky Blue NFT Marketplace will run on Cross-Chain Transfer with Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

For more information please email support@oduwaskyblue.com

L A Bright
Oduwa Blockchain Solutions Ltd
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