e-Krona Considered to Be “Highest Potential Return” Investment, Study Finds



STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, May 13, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — A recent report published by e-Krona limited, which interviewed over 10,000 European investors, revealed that e-Krona, Sweden’s CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), was rated as an “investment with the highest likelihood of success.”

e-Krona is the first digital currency of its kind as it’s fully backed and sponsored by a large European nation, and investors are betting on it skyrocketing.

Once again, with the technology stocks underperforming the market, investors are scrambling for alternative investment opportunities that would result in exponential gains. And with e-Krona returning 10-times the money this month alone, it’s not hard to see why many are paying close attention to this new global phenomenon.

“After viewing NASDAQ and FTSE indices decline for the second week straight, many of us are turning our eyes towards cryptocurrencies to get unprecedented returns. Especially we are investing heavily into e-Krona. It’s the first floating cryptocurrency that is fully backed by a large and trustworthy nation. We haven’t seen anything like this for a long time, and we think this could be a next bitcoin-like opportunity,” – J. Pasters, a senior hedge fund trader, said in an interview.

“It’s impossible to resist this investment opportunity. It’s the first country-backed digital currency. The country has a lot of capital and liquidity, so it’s not a chance to look over,” – says M. Pastor, a famous day-trader and venture capitalist.

Bitcoin has gone from less than 0.002$ to 51,000$, which would make a $100 investment now worth $15M. So it’s easy to see why everyone is eager to get on this opportunity.

Additionally, e-Krona may solve a European asset validation issue. As all of the data is stored on Blockchain, European banks would quickly validate and verify assets of the person’s e-Krona holdings. Currently, some countries are struggling with bad loads – a situation where a person takes out a loan with non-existing collateral. e-Krona would prevent such cases in the future.

“Using smart contracts provided by the e-Krona digital currency, the government of Sweden will be able to track assets and liabilities and to ensure that multiple loans are not taken over the same collateral,” says a senior blockchain researcher J. Rothers.

With both consumer and institutional interest in e-Krona, it’s easy to see why so many investors jump on this opportunity hoping the price per coin rises significantly.

Currently, the circulation of all e-Krona is only allowed through these authorized brokers.

Media Contact
e-Krona Limited
Martin Stenström

Martin Hustragen
+46 541254525
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