Akamai Blocks a Doozie of a DDoS Attack September 12, 2023 Hugh Taylor Off Articles and Opinion, Featured, Akamai, which runs a massive content distribution network (CDN), is ideally situated to observe and...
Guardz: Defending the “Underdog” Against Cyber Threats August 29, 2023 Noam Taylor Off Articles and Opinion, Featured, by Noam Taylor I recently sat down to talk with Dor Eisner, CEO and Co-Founder...
The Founder’s Journey: A Conversation with Radiflow’s Ilan Barda August 25, 2023 Noam Taylor Off Articles and Opinion, Featured, by Noam Taylor I recently had the opportunity to chat with Ilan Barda, CEO...
A Conversation with Salvador Technologies’ Oleg Vusiker August 18, 2023 Noam Taylor Off Articles and Opinion, Featured, by Noam Taylor I spoke recently with Oleg Vusiker, CEO and Co-Founder of Salvador Technologies,...
The Underappreciated Criticality of Memory Safety August 15, 2023 Hugh Taylor Off Articles and Opinion, Featured, Memory safety is having a moment. Last Friday, the White House Office of the National...
Rethinking the Software Supply Chain: From Box Checking to Getting Outside the Box August 3, 2023 Hugh Taylor Off Articles and Opinion, Featured, If you create software that runs medical devices, airplanes, or critical infrastructure, government regulations or...
Managing Cybersecurity Risks in the Airline Industry August 2, 2023 Hugh Taylor Off Articles and Opinion, Featured, Guest Posts, by Vance Hilderman We’ve all probably seen enough headlines recently about cybersecurity threats in every...
Book Review: How I Rob Banks (And Other Such Places) July 30, 2023 Hugh Taylor Off Books and Reviews, Featured, How I Rob Banks (and other such places) by FC (a.k.a. FREAKYCLOWN) achieves something that’s...
Policy Insights: New SEC Rules July 28, 2023 Hugh Taylor Off Cyber Policy in the News, Featured, The Securities and Exchange Commission has adopted NEW rules requiring registrants to disclose material cybersecurity...
Could Anything Have Saved Saint Margaret’s Hospital? June 26, 2023 Hugh Taylor Off Articles and Opinion, Featured, Spring Valley, Illinois is a city of 5,582 located 100 miles southwest of Chicago in...