20th Anniversary of BeautifulCity

20 Year Anniversary of BeautifulCity.ca

TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA, November 2, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — Marking the 20th anniversary of first proposing the billboard tax for art, BeautifulCity.ca has released a new 1 minute video. In 2021 — the Year of Public Art — it is estimated that over $100 million has been generated and the Toronto Arts Council budget has nearly doubled.

Preview 1 minute video here: https://youtu.be/1vE66CWQG1s

BeautifulCity.ca was an alliance of over 60 organizations that aimed to diversify access to public spaces. To do this they spent 13 years campaigning to put a tax on outdoor advertising and, have that money go to art in public spaces. Investment priorities were targeted at providing maximum compensation back to the public including a focus on funding for youth, diverse communities and supporting Toronto’s living artists. BeautifulCity was known for its art-driven mobilization, blending traditional and modern activist techniques, trading paintings for polling services and — good but imperfect outcomes.

The last public communications were in 2013 when the alliance added “Vibrant Public Spaces ED22.3” to the “City’s Principles for Arts Funding” and, in 2014 when Budget Chief Gary Crawford announced that the same amount of tax revenue collected is now going to the arts annually. Please view the video linked above for a quick timeline. Archival information can be found here: http://www.beautifulcity.ca


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