‘XOOX’ Contributing to Intergenerational Communication with Pet Videos

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If you can’t avoid it, enjoy it!
Interest in SNS Platforms Providing Relief Amidst the Flood of Harmful Online Content

SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA, February 7, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — “You are all covered in blood on your hands. You are creating products that kill people,” Mark Zuckerberg of Meta, which operates Facebook and Instagram, and Evan Spiegel of Snapchat, faced criticism during a U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on January 31st on the topic of “Big Tech and the Crisis of Online Child Exploitation.” During the hearing attended by families of social media victims, lawmakers from both parties highlighted the seriousness of the problem, citing cases of minors exposed to harmful social media content, becoming addicted, and even dying.

Recently, the indiscriminate content on social media has had a serious impact on children and adolescents. However, limiting the use of SNS platforms, which are already widespread worldwide, is realistically impossible. In light of this, there is growing attention on providing healthy platforms that anyone, regardless of age, can enjoy with peace of mind. If we cannot realistically stop the use of SNS, the proposal is to provide a safe platform for children to use without worry.

Launched with a large billboard advertisement in New York Times Square on November 11th last year, XOOX is a short-form content challenge-based SNS application exclusively for pets. It operates with accounts belonging to pets rather than humans, allowing users to communicate with other accounts by posting pet videos. At XOOX, pet owners are called “Petlers” (caretakers). It is considered the world’s first pet SNS platform where the subject of the account is set as a pet. At XOOX, you won’t find stimulating videos because, unlike humans who might create sensational and violent videos to attract followers and public attention, it is impossible to create artificial videos with animals. Park Yoo-taek, the marketing director of XOOX Korea, emphasized, “Creating a 100% safe playground for children to play online is one of the important reasons why XOOX was created,” adding, “If we cannot prevent access to online platforms that are already widespread worldwide, we must create spaces where safety is guaranteed.”

Since its launch in November last year, XOOX has garnered attention by featuring a video that resurrects ‘Bo,’ the former First Dog of Barack Obama, as an avatar on the large screens of New York Times Square, and by sending a message to Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, to take pets to space on Starship. Furthermore, to promote a healthy online culture, they are conducting the “Pets & Kids Challenge.” This challenge was planned to prove that amidst the flood of stimulating content, pure and loving content holds greater influence. People and animals can upload pure videos together on the XOOX PET application to participate.

Moreover, XOOX, the maker of the pet-only app ‘XOOX,’ and the Pet Economy market target a global promotional campaign. This activity is jointly conducted with Dog Us Planet (CEO: Kim Hyo-jin), a domestic pet rescue social enterprise, and B2EN, an AI big data company, & genetic analysis company Medi Cloud. The activity is scheduled to take place in mid-February with the aim of rescuing abandoned pets and promoting the adoption of stray animals.

Kristen Kim
XOOX Lab, Inc.
+1 213-944-2679