From Webroot: Keeping safe online during the holidays

With the holidays just around the corner, shopping, travel and giving back are top of mind for consumers, but did you know that it’s one of the times consumers are most vulnerable online?

Whether they’re trying to get that online shopping steal, connect to WiFi at the airport before traveling to see family or making a charitable donation, there are important security steps everyone must take to keep their personal information protected.

Webroot’s suggestions for staying cyber safe at this time of year include:

  • If you’re shopping online, make sure that the website you’re browsing is secure and has HTTPS listed at the front of the URL, especially before entering any payment information.
  • If you’re traveling, download a VPN if you are anticipating logging on to an unsecure WiFi network at a hotel, coffee shop or airport.
  • If you’re giving back, make sure that the charity you are donating to is legitimate. Hackers have been known to impersonate organizations and pocket the money for their own uses.