TranquiApp Launches World’s Only Family-First Safety App, Bringing Peace of Mind to Moms and Dads

Immediate notification from TranquiApp to registered users if loved ones are involved in an auto accident

MIAMI, UNITED STATES, August 1, 2022 / — TranquiApp today announced the launch of its new family safety app that detects collisions of family members regardless of the vehicle they may be in (ex: their own vehicle, the school bus, an Uber, etc.), and specifically notifies the family members who need to know about it.

“We never think a car accident could happen to people we love, but if it does, will you find out in time? With TranquiApp, we’re solving that problem,” said founder Santiago Vega. “TranquiApp automatically sends a message within mere seconds of a collision, and it sends it specifically to the family members you’ve chosen should be notified. For example, if my wife gets into a collision, I’d want the app to inform me and my son. But if it’s my son who gets into a collision, I’d want my wife and me to be notified. TranquiApp is unique because it lets me choose who is notified depending on who gets into an accident. As far as I know, we’re the only app that does this with such granularity that is so essential to families.”

TranquiApp also calls itself the world’s only “family-first” safety app because it puts families’ best interest in mind, above its very own.

Vega continued, “We intentionally built TranquiApp, stripping it from features that would’ve made the app stickier and therefore more commercial, but that would’ve also negatively affect families.”

The features that TranquiApp decided not to offer are the ability for members to monitor and track one another because it causes children to lose their privacy and independence, as well as grow up resenting being monitored and followed by worried parents. The other feature is incessant notifications, like how fast a driver was going or what time they left or arrived somewhere, because these types of notifications normalize an anxiety-inducing behavior that is harmful to parents and their families.

Before TranquiApp, Vega founded a vehicle tracking and driver behavior company whose lessons he used to build TranquiApp. “While running that company, I realized two things. The first is if you give people the tools to monitor and track one another, they will do it and they’ll potentially damage their relationship while justifying their actions for the sake of safety. The second is the incessant notifications these apps send you end up making you hostage because you start to expect and depend on them every hour of the day. So, with TranquiApp, I wanted to take those lessons and build a product that doesn’t contribute to these problems, but rather one that has families’ absolute best interests in mind.”

TranquiApp offers two different subscription plans to families: $10 per year for up to two users (ex: husband and wife) and $20 per year for up to five users (ex: mom, dad and three children).

To celebrate its launch, and provide a bit of relief to families during this time of unprecedented inflation, TranquiApp is offering the opportunity to win a $500 cash prize among customers who buy a $20/year subscription. To be eligible, all they have to do is use the code “000” (three zeroes) when registering an account on

For more information, visit About TranquiApp_june_2022.pdf.

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