Telco United: Pioneering Contractor Success through CMMC Compliance Strategies

Telco United propels contractor success in federal bids by seamlessly facilitating nationwide CMMC Level 1 & 2 compliance.

UNITED STATES, May 10, 2024 / — Introduction: Spearheading Cybersecurity Excellence
In a digital era dominated by cybersecurity threats, especially within the realm of government contracting, Telco United stands out. Based in Wyoming, Telco United isn’t merely a cybersecurity company; it is a critical enabler for contractors aiming to win and renew government contracts through complete adherence to the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Levels 1 & 2.

Comprehensive Cybersecurity Solutions Tailored for Success
Telco United extends beyond traditional security services by offering a comprehensive suite tailored to protect digital landscapes. Our offerings include Cyber Risk Assessments, Penetration Testing, Vulnerability Management, Endpoint Protection, vCSO (virtual Chief Security Officer) and a fully operational Security Operations Center. Each service is meticulously designed to fill specific gaps in a business’s digital infrastructure.

A Triumph in CMMC Compliance: Empowering Contractor Accreditation
A major triumph for Telco United is its track record of facilitating government contractors in achieving CMMC Level 1 compliance within just six months. This rapid compliance not only enables clients to confidently bid on new projects but also strengthens their ability to secure renewals of existing contracts. Our strategic focus on CMMC, supplemented by hands-on services like Penetration Testing, Remediation, and Compliance Training, solidifies our position as a field leader.

ISO: 27001 Certification and Beyond
Our recent achievement in acquiring the ISO:27001 Certification underscores our adherence to international best practices in information security management. This certification is more than just a mark of prestige—it is a robust indicator of our unwavering commitment to operational excellence and client trust.

Tailoring Solutions: A Custom Approach for Every Contractor
What sets Telco United apart is our versatility in working with contractors of all sizes—from nimble startups to large multinationals. We customize our solutions to meet each client’s unique needs, ensuring that CMMC compliance is a sustainable practice that genuinely enhances their security posture.

Beyond Compliance: Crafting a Comprehensive Security Framework
At Telco United, we believe that compliance should naturally enhance security, not merely coincide with it. We don’t just help clients meet regulatory requirements; we fortify their entire digital ecosystems. Our comprehensive security framework includes Cyber Risk Assessments, Ransomware Protection, vCSO (virtual Chief Security Officer) and the implementation of continuous security measures and policies.

Conclusion: A Trusted Partner in Cybersecurity
As Telco United expands its presence nationwide, our role in strengthening the government contracting sector is more vital than ever. Led by our visionary CEO and backed by a team of experts, we are committed to more than just compliance—we are dedicated to constructing a secure digital future for all our clients.

About Telco United:
Founded in Sheridan, Wyoming, Telco United is a woman-owned small business that stands at the forefront of the cybersecurity industry. We specialize in a wide range of cybersecurity services aimed at safeguarding the digital operations of organizations across the United States. With a dedication to innovation and excellence, we help our clients navigate the complexities of digital threats and compliance.

Media Contact:
Name: Telco United Media Relations
Phone: +1 307-227-6889
Capability Statement: View Here
