Technology and the Impact on Communication and Human Consciousness

Beyond Knowledge Author William Halal PHD.

Beyond Knowledge: How Technology is Driving an Age of Consciousness

William Halal PHD’s new book Beyond Knowledge: How Technology is Driving an Age of Consciousness

Beyond Knowledge Lies the Triumph of Human Spirit”

— William Halal PHD

WASHINGTON, DC, USA, October 1, 2021 / — For nearly 2 decades, William Halal, PHD has been predicting significant world events.

Bill has been at the forefront of the futurist movement prognosticating such things as the current pandemic, election hacking and private space exploration.

Now he has a new book, Beyond Knowledge: How Technology is Driving an Age of Consciousness that takes an in depth and vital look at the impact of tech on the future of the planet.

William Halal’s work and writings have been featured on CNN and in prominent publications such as The New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, The Globe & Mail and Washington Post.

Mr. Halal is available to discuss his book and address current hot button issues from Afghanistan to climate change to the current pandemic and more.

About Beyond Knowledge

The Age of Knowledge, which dominated the last two decades, is receding under today’s flood of smart phones, social media and artificial intelligence. Knowledge is still crucial, but the tech revolution is driving the world beyond knowledge into a new frontier governed by emotions, values, beliefs and higher-order thought.

An “Age of Consciousness” is here, though one may not like its current form. Whatever one thinks of former president Trump, all would concede that he is brilliant at creating an alternative reality. He is a master at shaping consciousness.

This transition poses enormous threats (climate change, mass automation of jobs, gross inequality, government gridlock, etc.) that Halal calls the “Crisis of Global Maturity.” Roughly 70% of the public thinks the status quo is not sustainable, and the big question is, how can we get the future we need? This book draws on the evidence and leading examples to show how global consciousness is emerging to transform our lives, work, social institutions and global mindset to enter a mature civilization. Or face disaster.

About William Halal PHD

William E. Halal, PhD, is an authority on emerging technology, strategic planning, knowledge and innovation, with degrees from Purdue and UC Berkeley. He has published 7 books and hundreds of articles, and consults to corporations and governments, including General Motors, AT&T, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, the US DoD and the Asian Development Bank. He is a frequent speaker, once substituting for Peter Drucker at the LA Coliseum.

For more information on Bill and his work please visit:

Ryan Levey/Shaili Priya
Allen Media Strategies
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