News Insights: Russia spoofing GPS to keep drones away from Putin, report says
Russia âspoofingâ GPS to keep drones away from Putin, report says
The spoofing poses a potential danger to aviation and maritime safety and underscores Russia’s growing prowess in electronic warfare, a new report says.
FULL ARTICLE Russia spoofing GPS to keep drones away from Putin, report says
News Insights
According to Yonatan Zur of Regulus Cyber, which offers solutions to mitigate GPS spoofing, “Previous Russian GNSS (GPS) attacks such as the June 2017 Black Sea region spoofing that threw over 50+ ships off course, or in November 2018 when a Norwegian frigate suffered a navigation failure leading to a collision with a commercial tanker remind us of the dangerous collateral effect on civilian maritime. In addition, commercial aviation is also affected, such as the GPS interference that caused passenger airplanes to miss the runway at Manila Airport during a 3-month period in 2016, or the Civilian airliners operating in and around Norway and Finland experienced GPS disruptions during the second half of 2018. Interfering with GNSS (GPS) signals is a common practice among state actors, as part of their electronic warfare strategy. This has a dangerous collateral effect on civilian systems as well. With more civilian infrastructure and transportation technologies dependent on GNSS, it is the responsibility of the commercial market to prepare with commercial solutions to protect against jamming and spoofing.”