Russell Jack, Southland Based Yoga Guru, Suggests That More New Zealanders Are Embracing Mental Health in 2021

Russell Herbert Jack, Southland based yoga expert, discusses recent wellness trends in New Zealand. Kiwis are prioritizing their mental health in 2021.

INVERCARGILL, SOUTHLAND, NEW ZEALAND, March 4, 2021 / — There is no doubt that COVID-19 has derailed the lives of so many people in unprecedented ways. The disruptions of 2020 have reminded everyone just how fragile life is. For many, adjusting to a new normal has been accompanied by enormous amounts of personal stress.

According to Russell Jack, Southland based yoga and wellness teacher, New Zealanders are making family, health, and wellness their top priority in 2021.

“Paradoxically, the restrictions in our social life opened up a new paradigm for many people. Several of my clients shared that they started meditating as a way of stopping obsessive thinking. They started doing yoga or running, being in nature more. Overall, it seems as people faced the realities of their lives and realized that it’s a lot about their perception. When they couldn’t control the external circumstances, they went within,” says Russell Jack.

Social distancing and shelter-in-place orders during the pandemic have forever changed the way we view wellness. As a result, there has been a growing focus on finding a better balance between our mental and physical health to cope with these changes.

For Kiwis, focusing on relaxation and detoxification methods has become one of the top priorities as people adjust to their new normal and embrace the virtual ways of living.

One of the most popular wellness trends of 2021 has been virtual fitness. Exercise has long been praised as an effective strategy to boost both mood and health. It appears that virtual exercise programs, like apps for yoga and strength training, have increased in popularity over recent months.

As a yoga and mindfulness teacher in Southland, Russell Herbert Jack has been approached by many new clients looking to heal their bodies, minds, and spirits. Virtual fitness options have made it possible for people to do their workouts from home and relieve stress, which has been a saving grace for so many, especially those who may be battling anxiety and depression issues.

“Virtual reality created more opportunities for people to achieve their fitness goals; however virtual fitness options offer limited community participation. People are missing interactions and sharing their progress with others. This is where you need a guru or a trainer to create that exchange and community feel,” says Russell Jack.

Another popular relaxation technique New Zealanders are embracing is sound bathing. Sound baths are a meditative practice that uses the power of music to heal the mind, body, and soul. The person is guided into a deep meditative state during the session as the instructor plays ambient sounds.

Mr. Jack highly recommends this method for anyone needing help with managing stress. He says that sound baths help turn off your thoughts and focus the mind, which is especially beneficial for those with short attention spans.

With a greater focus on overall wellness, New Zealanders are also ditching their electronic devices and going on a digital detox to reconnect with what’s important.

“We spend so much time on our phones and browsing social media that taking a full day to shut off our devices and participate in more meaningful activities can be hugely beneficial for our brains,” mentioned Russell Jack.

It also seems that more Kiwis are requesting online hypnotherapy sessions to break old habits. The new year has brought on a new desire for self-improvement, whether that’s quitting smoking, losing weight, or finding peace and healing from past trauma.

During a hypnotherapy session, people are guided into a trance-like state where they become more relaxed, focused, and readily open to suggestions. It’s a popular method to help people explore problems more deeply and find resolutions.

When working with his clients at Southland Yoga Training, Russell Jack often highlights the interconnectedness between our minds and bodies. He advocates addressing both mental and physical health practices to improve overall wellness. The sessions that he leads require little to no equipment and are appropriate for both children and adults of all skill levels. For more information, visit

Russell Herbert Jack
Southland Yoga Training
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