Product Led Selling by Company Size, Industry, etc. – Business Case Studies & Expert Commentary, Slyde Associates 2023

Expert insights on sales & growth.

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, USA, July 25, 2023/ — Overview

There is a rapidly growing approach where companies put their product on trial as the frontrunner in sales strategy. This product-first design aims to create an immersive experience for customers/users, enabling them to experience value before making a purchasing decision. Customers want quick, reliable information when making a go/no-go decision, and often the competitor with the best product led experience wins the business.

Companies that neglect to adapt to market forces do so at their own peril. Conversely, companies that invest in effective product led selling strategies tend to experience a number of benefits ranging from shorter sales cycles to lower customer acquisition costs. PLS models don’t totally remove the need for traditional sales and customer service, but they can substantially lower these costs without sacrificing customer experience.

What does this report provide?

This report by Slyde Associates provides an array of business case studies and expert commentary from companies that have employed PLS strategies to become more competitive. The information compiled from expert stories and interviews is invaluable for companies seeking to craft or customize their own product led approach.


Case Studies by Company Size, Industry, B2B/B2C

o Expert interviews + commentary
o Latest trends and dynamics
o PLS competitive assessment

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Insights by Company Size, Industry, B2B/B2C

o (Tech) xxxx..
o (Tech) xxxx..
o (Healthcare) xxxx..

o (Consumer) xxxx..

o (Financial) xxxx..
o (Tech) xxxx..

Research Methodology

Slyde Research utilizes a comprehensive and iterative methodology aligned around providing the most accurate and valuable insights conceivable. The organization utilizes a diverse mixture of experts in addition to other sources to assess dynamics from multiple unique perspectives.

Preliminary Analysis

Market dynamic and trend information is obtained from surveys, symposia, and trade journals. Background pertaining to company strategic direction is also gathered and compiled from public earnings. Industry dynamics with respect to drivers and company/competitive trends are collected and noted. Accordingly, material developed contains a range of original data that is authenticated and cross-validated via expert interviews.

Primary Analysis & Validation

Expert interviews represent the major and final step in the process. Exhaustive primary interviews are conducted face to face as well as over the phone. Interviewees are ascertained from leading companies and include suppliers, technology providers, and domain experts as to ensure a holistic and unbiased representation of subject matter. Primary interviews are critical for information validation, and they also provide practical insights into the current market, business scenarios, and innovation trends/future expectations. Interviewees help to differentiate and enhance the quality of our strategic product.

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