Opinion | Like Al Qaeda, QAnon endangers America. What to do when someone is radicalized.
Opinion | Like Al Qaeda, QAnon endangers America. What to do when someone is radicalized.
Now that QAnon is becoming a global phenomenon, with Trump and others in positions of power promoting it, there’s a lot at stake.
Opinion | Like Al Qaeda, QAnon endangers America. What to do when someone is radicalized.
“QAnon leaders spread their messages through social media platforms, such as Twitter, Reddit and YouTube. These platforms are able to algorithmically radicalize people who are curious about QAnon using clickbait titles, images, videos and even purported documentaries. According to alternate reality game expert Jim Stewartson, QAnon uses online gaming techniques to entice people down an online rabbit hole, offering them a series of fantasy challenges with hidden code messages called “Q drops” that soon become addictive.”