News Insights: Visa warns that hackers are scraping card details from gas pumps
Visa warns that hackers are scraping card details from gas pumps
Visa warned that cybercriminal group Fin8 is exploiting weak networks at gas stations to skim credit card data from unsuspecting consumers.
Visa warns that hackers are scraping card details from gas pumps
News Insights:
Casey Ellis, chairman, founder and CTO of Bugcrowd:
“Cybercriminals targeting gas pumps as a means to skim credit card data is not new, but the method used here is what is interesting. Typically attackers have used hardware implants, so Fin8’s exploitation of weak networks is an interesting development. This could signal that the physical controls that prevent physical skimmers (anti-tamper, CCTV surveillance, guards, etc.) are more effective as a deterrent than the work that has been done to make the software part more secure.”