News Insights: Ransomware attack hits major US data center provider | ZDNet

Ransomware attack hits major US data center provider | ZDNet

CyrusOne data centers infected by REvil (Sodinokibi) ransomware.

Ransomware attack hits major US data center provider | ZDNet


News Insights

Rob Gurzeev, CEO and Co-Founder, CyCognito: “More organizations with non-technical users and employees are actively educating users to avoid the ‘accidental clicks’ that can open the door to such ransomware attacks, and it is surprising that a tech-savvy environment fall victim to these attacks. But casting blame on employees is absolutely the wrong conclusion to jump to. Many organizations are unaware of their exposed Internet-facing assets and data that provide hackers with a ready conduit into the organization. These blind spots are IT assets that are not managed and may note even be known to IT and security teams, such as abandoned servers, DevOps test sites, third party entryways, etc.  Such open conduits are course part of the organization’s attack surface. These assets are part of an organization’s  “shadow risk” and they present an open pathway to an attacker. That is why it’s imperative for organizations to map their attack surface, expose that shadow risk, and eliminate any critical attack vectors before attackers leverage them.”