News Insights: Largest cyber-attack in Georgia’s history linked to hacked web hosting provider | ZDNet

Largest cyber-attack in Georgia’s history linked to hacked web hosting provider | ZDNet

A hacker has defaced over 15,000 websites hosted on the infrastructure of Pro-Service, a Georgian web hosting provider, including government sites, local newspapers, and TV stations.

Largest cyber-attack in Georgia’s history linked to hacked web hosting provider | ZDNet

Mike Bittner, Associate Director of Digital Security and Operations at The Media Trust says,

Malicious and nation state actors often fix their crosshairs on third-party providers because they are known to have poor security measures in place and provide trusted access to the digital assets of many clients. Hacking into these third parties is a frequently used strategy for campaigns with an eye to spreading malware, public discord and disinformation, election interference, personal data theft, and fraud. Carefully vetting digital vendors, enforcing digital policies, and closely monitoring vendor activities can drastically reduce the risk of being hacked. Government organizations in particular should bolster their defenses as they fall prey to a variety of attackers who want access to their audiences and data trove.”