KFC Heiress and Haute Couture Lingerie Designer Kaila Methven launches an Exclusive app on Dec 10, 2021
WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA, USA, December 8, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — Couture lingerie designer, philanthropist and sex siren influencer MADAME K announces the release of her self titled, exclusive App, “MADAME K” that will serve as a networking and growth opportunity platform for upcoming designers, industry models and fashion brands.
The Madame K app represents the future of influencer media and marketing, giving subscribers the access to interact with Kaila’s large global audience of 2.5 million followers.
The App will offer upcoming brands and industry professionals opportunities to network and grow, as well as promote their products and services to her user base on her platform. Kaila will curate content and experiences for app users through partnerships.
The MADAME K exclusives App welcomes you into KAILA’s World – Features include, access to exclusive content from the Madame herself showcasing her Hollywood lifestyle, celebrity parties and jet-set vacations. Users will have the VIP access to a behind the scenes look at her custom couture pieces that will be available for purchase on the platform
Be a part of KAILA’s inner circle and attend the world’s top festivals in Madame K’s suites, join the waitlist for the Madame K Jet Set Parties, Madame K’s Meet-and Greets, Madame K’s Dinners, Lunches and MK Getaways.
The MK App also allows users to purchase upcoming Madame K Makeup as well as branded merchandise that MK will promote for other brands through the MK SHOP.
Users may join Kaila and her guests in scheduled and spontaneous Live Streams through MK LIVE; Network with other users and enjoy the membership perks through MK MEMBERS-ONLY for Premium Content, Chat Room, Members Lounge and Members Specials. Users may build their own network through Sending and Receiving In-App Direct Messages; sending and receiving in-App connection/follows; Posting Photos, Messages and Videos in the Members-Only section; Reacting to other Members’ Post through Likes and Replies.
The Madame K Exclusive App will be available through the App Store and Google Play.
Different plans start from Free to VIP $19.99/month offering multiple perks and benefits.
Interested brands, industry models, designers and general users may join the waitlist at https://join-waitlist-madamek.app.members-only.online/
Kelly Springer
Kelly K PR
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