James Feldkamp Offers Advice For People Trying to Secure a Career in Security Studies

James Feldkamp Offers Advice For People Trying to Secure a Career in Security Studies

ARLINGTON, VA, UNITED STATES, May 11, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — Considering a career in security studies? Read on to learn what international security expert James Feldkamp has to say.

James Feldkamp, also known as Jim Feldkamp is recognized by many as a leader in international security studies and has taught classes at Georgetown and other institutions. He’s also helped the American government and other organizations plan for and confront security challenges both at home and abroad. If you’re considering a career in security studies, he’s going to share some must-known insights.

“First, when we talk about a career in security studies,” James Feldkamp says, “we can break it down into at least two major categories. You could go the academic route, teaching classes and producing academic research. Or you can go the applied route, working for the government and other organizations in the field. Think tanks and policy institutes often offer a middle path as well, combining applied and academic.”

Which route is best for you? That arguably depends on what most draws your interests and what you find most exciting. When it comes to excelling in any given field, success often correlates with engagement. If you’re more interested in a topic, you’ll be more likely to learn. This will help you build skills, which could impact the trajectory of your career.

Perspectives matter. Some academics might argue that they focus on the bigger picture, which in turn is arguably more exciting than the “nuts and bolts.” People working in applied areas of security might argue that the results of their work are more tangible and thus ultimately more engaging.

“There’s no right or wrong,” James Feldkamp says, “I’ve spent time working in applied security studies, and also time teaching classes. I’ve loved both, and I think my experience in applied security improved my productivity in academia and vice-versa. The trick is finding what’s best for you at a given moment.”

James Feldkamp Talks About Building Up Your Own Security Expertise

So how should you build up your expertise in security studies? Often, the first thing people think about is education. Getting the right degree is great, but it’s sometimes not enough. Studying outside of class is important, and so too is gaining real-world experience.

“I’m a huge supporter of education at every level,” James Feldkamp says. “Getting an undergraduate or graduate degree in security studies is great. But you need to learn on your own too. Pick up coding skills on the side, for example, so you can improve your IT security knowledge. Read history so you better understand geopolitics.”

Hands-on experience is also important for just about every field, but especially security studies.

“When it comes to security studies, understanding what it’s like on the ground and seeing how events unfold in the real world is essential,” James Feldkamp says. “Different experiences are great for their individual reasons. Working at the State Department, or for law enforcement, or corporate security at a big company, each experience will be different, but each will also be very valuable.”

Caroline Hunter
Web Presence, LLC
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