ISACA’s Tech Workforce 2020: The Age and Gender Perception Gap

ISACA’s Tech Workforce 2020: The Age and Gender Perception Gap report launched today, which focuses on many factors facing today’s business technology professionals.


Stand out data from this report:


  • Two-thirds of business technology professionals are getting rewarded with raises and/or promotions and have very high job satisfaction – despite the high stresses associated with their jobs.
  • 70% of the workforce can be considered ‘in-play’ in terms of being recruited, saying they definitely or may foresee changing jobs in the next two years
  • The majority (over half) of the business technology workforce report experiencing stress or burnout– prompted by heavy workloads, tight deadlines, long hours and lack of resources.
  • In an industry that is chronically workforce-constrained, two-thirds of business technology professionals believe they are limited in accessing career opportunities and have reached a seniority that prevents an upward career path.