DFW Metro NAACP Brings STEM Education to Underserved Community

Girl works on video editing project at iCode School.

NAACP, the Denton Black Film Festival, and iCode Host a Local Hackathon Event

The quickest way to ensure the success and stability of future generations is to provide them with the tools and skills needed to empower their own future.”

— Ghanim Ghneim, Director of Curriculum for iCode.

DENTON, TX, USA, November 28, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — The DFW Metro NAACP will be hosting a youth Hackathon event on January 28, 2023 from 9am-6pm at North Central Texas College. The goal of this free event is to help create diversity and inclusivity within STEM education.

There is a growing disparity in the number of underrepresented minorities in STEM occupations. Black adults are less likely to earn degrees in STEM than other degree fields, and they continue to make up a lower share of STEM graduates relative to their share of the adult population, according to Pew Research Center.
STEM skills and careers will remain important to America’s ability to compete internationally in the global economy. Advanced technology will also continue to have an outsized impact on economic and social opportunity, critical issues for minorities seeking their share of the American dream, according to USA Today. Making STEM education and careers as welcoming and accessible as possible for these populations should be a top priority for industry and policymakers.

The DFW Metro NAACP is doing their part to overcome this disparity within the STEM fields by creating opportunities for the youth in their community. The upcoming Hackathon event, in partnership with the Denton Black Film Festival and iCode, seeks to build interest and excitement in STEM topics through fun, hands-on group challenges including drone video capture, video production, digital arts, and more.
Getting kids interested early in STEM topics is critical to getting them on the trajectory to a career in these fields.

“The quickest way to ensure the success and stability of future generations is to provide them with the tools and skills needed to empower their own future. iCode strives to create innovators and creative thinkers from all walks of life who can tackle the problems of tomorrow starting today,” said Ghanim Ghneim, Director of Curriculum for iCode.

Interested families can register for the event at https://icodeschool.com/naacp-hackathon/. The DFW Metro NAACP is also in need of volunteers for the event as well as sponsorships. You can find more information at https://icodeschool.com/naacp-hackathon-volunteers-sponsors/.

Kathy Anet
iCode School
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