Deception Technology Market Global Industry Revenue, Research Report Analysis by Leading Countries, Regions Forecast to 2019-2024 – Denton Observer
5 MARKET SEGMENTATION5.1 By Deployment5.1.1 Cloud5.1.2 On-premise5.2 By Enterprise Size5.2.1 Small and Medium Enterprise5.2.2 Large Enterprise5.3 By Service5.3.1 Managed Service5.3.2 Professional Service5.4 By Deception Stack5.4.1 Data Security5.4.2 Application Security5.4.3 Endpoint Security5.4.4 Network Security5.5 By End User5.5.1 Government5.5.2 Medical5.5.3 Commercial5.5.4 Defense5.5.5 Telecommunication5.5.6 Other End Users5.6 Geography5.6.1 North America5.6.2 Europe5.6.3 Asia-Pacific5.6.4 Latin America5.6.5 Middle East & Africa
4 MARKET DYNAMICS4.1 Market Overview4.2 Introduction to Market Drivers and Restraints4.3 Market Drivers4.3.1 Growing Number of Zero-Day and Targeted APT’s4.3.2 Need of Effective Solutions for Early Detection of Attackers4.4 Market Restraints4.4.1 High Usage of Legacy Honeypots4.5 Value Chain Analysis4.6 Industry Attractiveness – Porter’s Five Force Analysis4.6.1 Threat of New Entrants4.6.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers4.6.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers4.6.4 Threat of Substitute Products4.6.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
– North America is the largest region for the deception technologies, as the region has a high demand for protection and control systems against cybercrimes. Also, the region has the highest adoption rate of IoT technologies leading to a growing need for data security.– Moreover, with the growing number of data centers in North America due to increased research and development activities are also allowing the #deception technology market to grow. The industrial sector also has stringent security policies for the safety of intellectual property, and as the industrial sector grows, it increases the demand for deception technology.– With the availability of adequate infrastructure, the presence of numerous global financial institutions, high frequency of cyber-attacks, and increased adoption of connected technologies are expected to drive the growth of the deception technology market in the North American region.
– Advancement in technology has led to the usage of digital technologies in the healthcare sector, which is used to develop an end-user experience. With the generation of huge patient data and medical records, it is very important to secure the data which is driving the market studied in this sector.– Despite the high level of threats, in the healthcare sector, the security, in terms of cybersecurity and other breaches, is still underrated, and the industry hasnt been proactive in securing their data with the new technologies.– The growing number of cyber attacks in the healthcare sector, and a large number of stolen record alerts being detected by the different external sources, this factor is the primary driver of the market for deception technology.
The “Deception Technology Market” research report 2019-2024 is focused on various market affecting factors and comprehensive factors of the industry. The Deception Technology market report illustrates the price analysis along with the features of the product, moreover, it points out the major market share in the different regions of the world. The Deception Technology market report helps to determine the actual #market size and execute business resources in order to gain maximum profitability.