Business Reporter: What can businesses do to keep their digital transformation on track?

Off-the shelf solutions and delivery partners can go a long way in ensuring positive outcomes

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM, October 19, 2022 / — In an article published on Business Reporter, David Perks, Director of Retail Services at Objectivity Ltd, a software development company, talks about how delivery partners can assist businesses on their digital transformation journeys. Digital transformation can mean many different things for different businesses from updating their legacy systems to replacing spreadsheets with centralised platforms to buying off-the-shelf solutions to automate manual processes. However, what often leads to thwarted digital transformation process is that companies fail to continuously monitor the delivery of transformational milestones against a backdrop of an evolving industry landscape. A reason for missteps and setbacks in the retail industry, for example, is often a failure to set clear goals, break them down into manageable deliverables and monitor their accomplishment closely. But success can also rest upon the digital maturity of an organisation or the sector that it operates in.

Choosing a delivery partner that has knowledge of both available digital technologies and the organisation that has undertaken to digitalise either parts or the entirety of its processes can, however, greatly enhance the likelihood of a positive outcome. As well as sharing their resources and expertise, delivery partners can provide their clients with the bespoke software solutions that will dovetail with the specific expectations and needs and assist them with consulting advice along their transformation journey. They will work in close collaboration with their clients’ internal teams and existing business partners to make sure that the project stays on track and unforeseeable shifts in market conditions don’t throw it off course.

To learn more about how to secure a successful digital transformation, read the article.

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Business Reporter is an award-winning company producing supplements published in The Guardian and City AM, as well as content published on Business Reporter online hubs on,, Business Insider Germany and Le Figaro, delivering news and analysis on issues affecting the international business community. It also hosts conferences, debates, breakfast meetings and exclusive summits.

About objectivity

Established in 1991, Objectivity is a values-driven software development company specialising in delivering custom software solutions, digital transformation, and IT consulting. It employs innovative thinking and decades of expertise to help its clients leverage the latest technologies, always aiming to create the most fit-for-purpose digital solutions.

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