Are Refurbished iPhones Good?

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Are you thinking about saving some money and purchasing a used iPhone? Read on to learn more about what to expect when you invest in a refurbished iPhone!

When looking to buy a “used” iPhone, it is vital to take note of how the iPhone is described. Some retailers will offer to sell used iPhones, while others sell refurbished iPhones.”

— Phonely

DUBLIN, DUBLIN, IRELAND, May 20, 2021 / — When looking to upgrade your smartphone to the latest model, buyers are quick to jump straight to Apple’s homepage to find the newest iPhone option. Unfortunately, the sticker shock for the latest iPhone model can stop many buyers in their tracks.

Luckily, for those looking to enjoy the latest technology while saving a bit of money, there is another option: buying a refurbished iPhone. While the idea of purchasing a secondhand iPhone may give you fear, knowing the benefits of a refurbished iPhone – and where to find a certified used iPhone in Ireland – can help you find your next favorite phone at a fraction of the price of shopping new!
What Is A Refurbished iPhone?
When looking to buy a “used” iPhone, it is vital to take note of how the iPhone is described. Some retailers will offer to sell used iPhones, while others sell refurbished iPhones.

When you buy a used phone, you are getting just that – a phone that another person has already used. Most used phones come “as-is,” meaning that you are getting a device that may be old, malfunctioning, or simply doesn’t work. While you may end up with a great iPhone, a used phone purchase is always risky.

The term “refurbished iPhone” typically means that the device has been used by a previous owner and has been sent back to the company for repair or replacement. Often, refurbished iPhones are simply purchased and sent back without ever being opened. These phones – much like a car that has just left the lot – can no longer be sold at market price.

Are Refurbished iPhones Safe To Buy?
Most refurbished iPhones are certified to be factory-reset and updated to meet all necessary standards to be resold on the market. They will be checked, reset, and cleaned up to ensure that the iPhone is in complete working order – both hardware and software included.

To ensure that the refurbished iPhone is working at its total capacity, the company will run a variety of tests to diagnose any reported issues and make sure that the phone responds with high-quality Wi-Fi and cellular data. As an added bonus, most refurbishers will also update the iPhone with the latest iOS to ensure it’s ready out of the package with the latest features.

The Benefits Of Buying A Refurbished iPhone
While a phone purchase is always best made by the consumer, knowing the benefits of a refurbished iPhone can help you make the best purchasing decision for you. Here are the top benefits of buying a refurbished iPhone:

● If you are okay with having a used or older iPhone model, then you can enjoy big savings when buying refurbished.
● Phonely refurbished iPhones come with a 12 months warranty – covering the phone should the unexpected happen.
● Refurbished iPhones will come with a charger and other necessary accessories.
● Your refurbished iPhone will offer you a more excellent iPhone experience while being factory-tested to ensure that it’s high-quality and operable.

Find Your Next Refurbished iPhone With Phonely
Are you ready to enjoy the benefits of a like-new phone at a fraction of the cost? Phonely is Ireland’s premier refurbished iPhone retailer, offering the latest iPhone models refurbished to operate at top quality.

Each Phonely refurbished iPhone comes complete with the iPhone box, charger, a 12-month warranty and is unlocked to have access on all major networks.

Ready to learn more? Head online today and browse our full line of refurbished iPhone models today!

Eoin Finnegan
Eoin Finnegan
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