Andre El Mann Arazi: “Digital twins” and big data will revolutionize real estate in 2022

Andre El Mann Arazi

Andre y MAx El Mann Arazi FUNO

Andre El Mann Arazi inversionista

Andre El Mann Arazi inversionista

Andre El Mann Arazi inversionista

Andre El Mann Arazi: “Digital twins” and big data will revolutionize real estate in 2022.

For years there have been bets on the implementation of Big Data and Blockchain in our industry, but it looks like 2022 will be the year when it will have truly practical applications”

— Andre El Mann Arazi

MIAMI, FLORIDA, ESTADOS UNIDOS, July 29, 2022 / — Andre El Mann Arazi: “Digital twins” and big data will revolutionize real estate in 2022.

The introduction of cutting-edge technologies in real estate promises to forever change the way business is done in an industry that is normally cautious in the way it changes. The real estate market is a major component of the world economy, with a global value of more than $7.196 trillion.

“For years there have been bets on the implementation of Big Data and Blockchain in our industry, but it looks like 2022 will be the year when it will have truly practical applications” mentioned Andre El Mann Arazi director of Fibra Uno.

Big Data
Databases and data warehouses are used to store the immense amounts of information collected about consumer preferences.

According to McKinsey research, real estate applications based on machine learning models can predict rental rate changes with 90% accuracy, while changes in other property metrics can predict with 60%. That can pretty well help customers understand which property is a better choice for their investment, such as in the case of commercial and non-commercial property.

Tech-savvy readers may not immediately make the connection between blockchain technology and real estate. While many people are familiar with the use of blockchain in cryptocurrency, it has broad applications in other areas of commerce, including the real estate industry.

Blockchain technology can be used to verify encrypted transactions and ensure that no tampering affects financial records. It will prove useful in fractional real estate investment and allow owners to sell portions of their stake in a given holding.

The technology will also make it possible to securely store important documents such as title deeds. As in other market sectors, the surface has only been scratched so far, as the potential to employ blockchain for other cases in the real estate industry makes it one of the top real estate technology trends in 2022.

Fractional real estate investment.
Fractional ownership refers to the percentage ownership of an asset. It is a common investment strategy when buying expensive items such as airplanes or vacation homes. Using the blockchain technology mentioned above, fractional property investing is flourishing for a variety of reasons.

The high price of homes puts them out of reach for many prospective buyers. Fractional property investing allows these individuals or groups to build a deposit for a future full purchase.

Community investors can share in the rental income from a shared property, opening up an additional source of income. Employing a fractional ownership approach will allow for a more diversified investment and enable individuals to unlock the value of their homes.

“It is no secret that fractional investment came to revolutionize the way we do business in Mexico. Everyone has the right to invest and these mechanisms make it easier for any entrepreneur to do so” stated CEO and investor Andre El Mann Arazi.

Internet of Things (IoT)
Smart homes, apartments and devices are changing the way we live in many ways. Smart devices, in general, are driven by the Internet of Things (IoT) and are becoming a major trend in real estate management.

IoT refers to the practice of embedding sensors and computer technology into various items that we interact with on a daily basis. The ultimate goal of this technology is to provide people with a more convenient and enjoyable life.

Let’s investigate how IoT technologies are changing our homes and transforming them into smart homes. There are three main characteristics of a smart apartment:

Las comodidades inteligentes incluyen dispositivos como luces y cerraduras inteligentes y servicios integrados como la limpieza del hogar y la entrega de paquetes.

La conectividad se diseña en un apartamento inteligente cuando se construye para permitir que los dispositivos, los sistemas del edificio, los residentes y la administración se comuniquen. Elementos como el WiFi, los sensores inteligentes y los controles de acceso inteligentes son ventajas que ofrece la conectividad mejorada.

La gestión de la comunidad mediante la prestación de servicios que ahorran a los residentes tiempo, dinero y pequeñas dificultades es el último componente de un apartamento inteligente. Los calendarios de eventos incorporados, la asistencia a los residentes y los servicios a la carta son algunas de las características que ayudan a los administradores de propiedades y a los inquilinos a construir una comunidad más vibrante.

Si bien las nuevas construcciones son un territorio privilegiado para la implantación de apartamentos inteligentes, las estructuras más antiguas pueden readaptarse para ofrecer el mismo nivel de conectividad.

Gemelos digitales
A medida que haya más información disponible en línea, los posibles compradores tendrán más oportunidades de estudiar y explorar las propiedades. Imagine ver un modelo digital en 3D de cada edificio cuando busque una vivienda. Estas aplicaciones harán predicciones de los parámetros críticos de las condiciones ambientales que puede soportar una determinada casa (terremotos, tornados, desprendimientos, etc.). Las empresas de mantenimiento conocerán las condiciones actuales de los edificios (daños existentes y potenciales, fecha y lugar de reparación) y el plan de evacuación en caso de incendio.

Además, los gemelos digitales pueden ser útiles durante la construcción de las casas, lo que ayuda al promotor a comprender la seguridad de su proyecto. Estas aplicaciones pueden evitar el derrumbe de edificios y utilizar los recursos de los promotores de forma racional.

“La industria inmobiliaria está refinando las tecnologías y mecanismos que realmente aporten valor a las propiedades y en 2022 veremos realmente cuáles se quedarán como parte de ella” sentenció Andre El Mann Arazi.

Mia Atkinson
Media Captains
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