3Flatline’s Dixie Code Scanner: When Accuracy Matters

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Announcing the release of a more accurate and AI-based code scanner

Everyone uses code scanners these days, but there is a huge gap around low level languages and accuracy. That’s why we built Dixie: to accurately work on the software that underpins our society.”

— Aaron D’Amico, CEO

OAKLAND, MARYLAND, USA, January 29, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — In a time marked by high-profile software hacks impacting critical devices like firewalls, 3Flatline LLC, a tech company founded by seasoned hackers in 2023, proudly unveils the 3Flatline Dixie Code Scanner. This pioneering product represents a significant shift in source code security. Tailored for businesses seeking increased accuracy in their scanning software, it’s an essential defense against vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure and internet-facing software, and can serve areas that have seen substantial breaches in recent times.

Revolutionizing Code Security with AI-Driven Accuracy
The 3Flatline Dixie Vulnerability Scanner stands out with its capability to support both high and low level languages including C/C++, ObjC, Golang, Java, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, and PHP. What sets it apart is its AI-powered engine that significantly reduces false positives, ensuring more accurate results than any other scanning platform available today. This innovation stems from an extensive analysis process leveraging a massive database of vulnerable code, curated over years by one of the founders.

“Almost every software company uses code scanners these days. But there was a huge gap around low level languages like C, and a huge issue with accuracy. These developers had to be satisfied with ‘checking the box’ in security. That’s why we built Dixie: a code scanner that accurately works on the software running on the very devices that underpin our society,” says Aaron D’Amico, the CEO of 3Flatline.

Beyond Complete Code: Excelling in Partial and Decompiled Analysis
Unique in its design, the 3Flatline Dixie Scanner excels at analyzing incomplete or decompiled source code from any decompiler software. This feature is crucial for businesses dealing with legacy code, third-party libraries, or in situations where complete source code is not readily available. “One of our customers found and confirmed a vulnerability in some old software that would have taken weeks manually looking at a decompiler: in just three hoursf”, Aaron mentioned.

An API That Empowers and Integrates
The 3Flatline Dixie Scanner is not just a standalone product; it’s a robust API designed to seamlessly integrate into other platforms. This integration capability is a game-changer for businesses and security product developers who can now leverage this advanced scanner within their own tools. Other platform developers no longer need to spend costly hours building this capability internally and can integrate the Dixie API into their own product.

Flexible Deployment to Meet Diverse Needs
This scanner was also built with different needs in mind: the Dixie Code Scanner comes in various forms such as a SaaS application, an enterprise-specific deployment, or a completely offline solution. Even users with stringent compliance requirements can get the same accurate results, ensuring a perfect fit for needs from a single vulnerability researcher to a large enterprise.

A Commitment to Elevate Security Standards
“At 3Flatline, our goal is to not just create cutting-edge security tools, but to make them easily integrable into other platforms and to enhance other security products. The Dixie Vulnerability Scanner represents our commitment to elevating security standards in the digital world.”

Adrian Tilston
3Flatline LLC
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