News Insights: Beware fake Covid vaccination invites, NHS warns

Beware fake Covid vaccination invites, NHS warns

The NHS says any invitation which asks for vaccine payment or bank account details is a scam.

Beware fake Covid vaccination invites, NHS warns

The NHS has warned that scammers are sending people fake invitations to get the coronavirus vaccinations, including a link to “register” for the vaccine, but no registration is required

News Insights:

Dean Ferrando, systems engineer manager – EMEA at cybersecurity company Tripwire, commented:

“Attackers will look for any opportunity to exploit human weakness, and in this particular case, appealing to human nature tempting people to click on phishing links that might take them to medical vaccination sites. There has also been an increase in appealing to human nature where fake sites set up to harvest personal information to help people in communities. As long as emails are a means of communicating, scammers will attempt the same with fake emails. Email as implemented today is a terrible system for conducting business. While attempts have been made to improve the technology, none of them have taken hold.  It’s especially difficult for many people to recognize a scam when it carries the apparent NHS authority in the communication, which is why we see many of these COVID-related scams. Individuals must show extreme caution to all links and attachments sent to them and have the mindset that if it looks too good to be true, then avoid it at all costs.”