Not for Attribution: Black Hat 2018

This is the first in a series we’re calling “Not for Attribution.” It chronicles humorous, irreverent and otherwise off-the-record remarks made by industry insiders. In this case, these were noted (but not attributed) at Black Hat 2018.

  • Regarding the puzzling “voluntary” nature of the DoD’s new “do not buy” list of Chinese and Russian software, an insider commented, “What you don’t see is the classified version of the memo – the real ‘do not buy’ guidance.”
  • “This is a @#$show. If all of this stuff worked, we wouldn’t need a security conference.”
  • “The hacking of US Submarine codes by the Chinese was one hack too far for the Navy. They’re going to start to get more engaged now.”
  • “I’ve never seen a 380-pound man move that fast in my life.” – an OT expert, describing a near-fatal incident at a petrochemical plant caused by a digital configuration error.
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